This post was submitted as part of our “You Said It” program.” Your voice, ideas, and engagement are important to help us accomplish our mission. We encourage you to share your ideas and efforts to make the world a better place by submitting a “You Said It.” March is Women’s History Month — a time to […]
One of Africa’s most dire challenges in health and human services remains the number of orphaned children. A recent study published by African Union/African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child reported an estimated 35 million children in Africa have no parental care. In South Africa alone, nearly 210,000 children lost […]
Research has shown that social connectedness can improve physical health and emotional well-being, and even increased life span. The Volunteer Center provides a path to making such connections and fostering positive emotion through volunteering. Here’s how. Volunteering enhances well being It is a scientifically accepted premise that contributing time and effort to a cause greater than oneself […]