My face still hurts from laughing so much.
“Potted Potter” is the perfect choice for an afternoon or evening of family fun at the theater this season—and in the perfect location. On stage at the Broadway Playhouse, you can shop ‘til you drop along the Mag Mile and Water Tower Place, then hit the theater for a 70-minute entertainment break.
It’s a cast of two for this parody of all things Potter—the show is written and performed by Brits Daniel Clarkson and Jefferson Turner. Originally conceived by these two as a 5-minute street show, the performance grew along with J.K. Rowling’s series, morphing into its current incarnation. Dan and Jeff take to the stage to explain the story of Harry Potter and his complicated relationship with Lord Voldemort—and do so hilariously.
The show defies traditional explanation in that it’s not overly scripted, but isn’t necessarily all-improv. It’s simply two guys with a menagerie of silly props and the desire to make each other, as well as the audience, laugh. The humor is very family-friendly but isn’t dumbed down—adults will laugh just as hard as the kids. The performers also do a great job of engaging the audience, with the highlight being a Gryffindor vs. Slytherin in-house Quidditch match. (Note to you front row fans, watch out for the Super Soaker.)
At just 70 minutes, there’s no intermission, and a great length for the aforementioned shopping break or a theater and dinner combo with the kids. Also? Nary a Santa in sight if you need respite from all things holiday. A hilariously fun way to spend an hour this season—don’t miss it!
“Potted Potter” runs through January 6 at Broadway Playhouse, 175 East Chestnut (Water Tower Place), Chicago. Tickets range from $39.5 – $84.95 and can be purchased through or by calling 800-775-2000.