The People’s Music School (TPMS) turned up the volume at its eighth annual Big Night Gala, raising over $740,000 to provide free, high-quality music education to Chicago youth. The Feb. 21 event, emceed by CBS Morning News Anchor Audrina Sinclair, brought nearly 450 guests to The Geraghty for a celebration of the transformative power of music. […]
This post was submitted as part of our “You Said It” program.” Your voice, ideas, and engagement are important to help us accomplish our mission. We encourage you to share your ideas and efforts to make the world a better place by submitting a “You Said It.” Growing up in Chicago, I’ve always known our city […]
The holiday season invites us to reflect, express gratitude, and transform it into meaningful action. Giving Tuesday, observed this year on December 3, is more than a single day of generosity — it’s a global movement encouraging us to make a lasting impact through intentional giving. Established in 2012 by New York City’s 92nd Street […]