Surprise: Google Phone Beats iPhone in CNET Contest
CNET put the Google Nexus One up against the iPhone in their “prizefight” contest to determine which is the best “superphone.”
The Google Phone came out on top – a surprise to us and further evidence that it is time to take a closer, more serious look at Google’s mobile phone offering. Watch Now
Sorting out the Google Phone Branding Mess
You may have heard about the “Google Phone.” But you also might have heard about the “Droid,” the “Nexus One,” and “Android.” So what is going on here? Will the real Google Phone please stand up? We’ll help you get a clear overview of Google’s branding train wreck. Read Now
Google Nexus One Review Roundup
See what Walt Mossberg of The Wall Street Journal, David Pogue of The New York Times, Michael Arrington of TechCrunch, CNET, PC World, and others had to say about the new Google Phone. Read the Reviews
Google Phone Gets Multitouch Pinch-to-Zoom Feature
Pinching to zoom in and out – especially within the browser, maps, and photo apps – is at the heart of Apple’s iPhone. Google’s lack of the feature was widely criticized but as of last week the Google Nexus One now has this coveted feature. Watch Now
How Does Google Multitouch Compare to Apple Multitouch?
This video demonstrates the new multi-touch feature now available on the “Google Phone” – Nexus One – and compares it to the same feature on the iPhone. Watch Now
Flash Player is Coming to the Google Phone
Flash is the software that powers all the video you’ve probably every watched online and much more. It is missing from the iPhone and soon to be released iPad but it is coming to the Google Phone. Read More OR Watch Now