This post was submitted as part of our “You Said It” program.” Your voice, ideas, and engagement are important to help us accomplish our mission. We encourage you to share your ideas and efforts to make the world a better place by submitting a “You Said It.” Growing up in Chicago, I’ve always known our city […]
This post was submitted as part of our “You Said It” program.” Your voice, ideas, and engagement are important to help us accomplish our mission. We encourage you to share your ideas and efforts to make the world a better place by submitting a “You Said It.” What if as individuals we embrace the task of […]
“One out of every ten non-profit arts organizations in the U.S. reports that they ‘doubttheir ability’ to survive the pandemic,” The Wall Street Journal reported on January 21, 2021. As a college student, I clearly remember calling my mother from the communal phone inmy dormitory at Illinois State University. I was struggling with what, at […]