Harris Theater at 20: How It Became a Lifeline for Chicago Performing Arts and a Proven Model for Arts Sustainability

The road to the Harris Theater began in the 1980s, when the performing arts were feverishly alive in Chicago. Dozens of new music, dance, and theater companies emerged while stalwart organizations experienced exciting growth. What the city lacked, however, was adequate space for its mid-size companies — those that had outgrown the storefront venues but […]

Wildfire Recovery in Los Angeles: Why Rebuilding Smarter Is the Only Option

When disaster strikes, Americans respond. Our instinct to help, our “Can Do” spirit, and our deep love of community propel us to extraordinary acts of kindness, generosity, and ingenuity. The recent catastrophic fires in Los Angeles were no exception. From heartbreaking scenes of destruction to inspiring stories of resilience, the fires drew out the best of humanity. […]

Growing the Good: How Local Gardens Can Transform Communities

This post was submitted as part of our “You Said It” program.” Your voice, ideas, and engagement are important to help us accomplish our mission. We encourage you to share your ideas and efforts to make the world a better place by submitting a “You Said It.” What if as individuals we embrace the task of […]

The Surprising Link Between Spirituality, Purpose and Health: What Science Reveals About Our Search for Meaning

What gives your life meaning? It’s a question our brains are naturally programmed to explore. Recent studies have revealed strong connections between spirituality and health, both rooted in how we find purpose in our lives. Interestingly, much of this research began with the goal of understanding the rising prevalence of depression and anxiety in our […]

Collaboration and Partnership Help Leading Arts Organization

“One out of every ten non-profit arts organizations in the U.S. reports that they ‘doubttheir ability’ to survive the pandemic,” The Wall Street Journal reported on January 21, 2021. As a college student, I clearly remember calling my mother from the communal phone inmy dormitory at Illinois State University. I was struggling with what, at […]