These Bay Area Organizations Need Your Help Right Now

Ways to Help During Covid-19 San Francisco Bay Area

If there is any silver living to the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s that we have seen our community come together like never before. Neighbors have helped one another, healthcare heroes have been celebrated and reports of good news bring smiles to our faces during this scary time. So why not use our time and privilege to help others and do some good? Maybe you are looking for ways to help, but don’t know where to start? Because we firmly believe that we are #bettertogether (even while safely apart), here are six trusted organizations that we are honored to recommend, and could use our support during these troubling times.

Give2SF COVID-19 Response and Recovery Fund

Give2SF was established by the City and County of San Francisco as a response and recovery measure to ensure the city’s ability to quickly respond and recover from the COVID-19 pandemic. Monetary donations will protect the health of residents and support the most vulnerable, including those in isolation and local businesses. You can also donate critical supplies that are needed, which includes masks, gloves, face shields and more. Salesforce, which is headquartered in San Francisco, donated $1.5 million to help the efforts.

Community Foundation Sonoma County: Sonoma County Resilience Fund

The Sonoma County Resilience Fund is the largest long-term disaster recovery fund in Sonoma County. They are supporting those affected through grants to nonprofit organizations and recently announced $805,000 to be distributed between 35 nonprofits, which will help support economic and health needs in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. They are actively seeking monetary donations—donate here.

Marin Community Foundation: COVID-19 Fund of MCF

The Marin Community Foundation distributes more than $80 million in grants annually. Their quick-response COVID-19 Fund is dedicated to directing financial support to nonprofit organizations serving those individuals and families most in need during the pandemic. Donate to their cause, and see the full list of organizations they are partnering with, here.

Napa Valley Community Foundation: COVID-19 Fund for Napa County

In response to the emergency, The Napa Valley Community Foundation launched a COVID-19 Fund that will support efforts to help slow the spread of the virus within Napa County. With the help of monetary donations, they will deploy additional financial resources to best meet evolving needs. Help their mission, and see the organizations they have partnered with, here.

Opportunity Fund based in San Francisco


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Opportunity Fund is the nation’s leading nonprofit business lender. Currently, they are supporting small businesses impacted by COVID-19—especially those run by women, people of color and immigrants. They are also accepting donations to help fund their initiatives. Learn how you can help here.

COVID-19: A Just East Bay Response Fund

The East Bay Community Foundation launched their response fund to rapidly deploy resources to organizations making a social and economic impact during the pandemic, including helping the immediate needs of communities and organizations affected by coronavirus-related closures. In its first phase, the Fund will provide grants to organizations that are focused on providing immediate, mid-term, and long-term support. Learn more and donate here.

More from Better:

Macaire DouglasMacaire Douglas lives in the Chicago suburbs with her husband and two sons. She proudly supports Save Abandoned Babies Foundation, a Chicago-based nonprofit organization that works tirelessly to prevent the illegal abandonment of newborns nationwide. Since its inception in 2000, more than 3,600 newborns have been safely surrendered and adopted into loving homes.


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