Women of Philanthropy: Susan B. Noyes

Susan B. Noyes Founder, Make It Better Wilmette When Susan sat around her kitchen table with a group of her closest friends and talked about how they could amplify the charitable work they were already doing, she had no idea their conversation would turn into a thriving website and magazine. “We had all run fundraisers […]

When Everyone Wins–Bark 4 Care

Partnerships. The very meaning of the word speaks to a mutually beneficial relationship. And that’s just what happens when not-for-profits partner with Make It Better. Bark 4 Care promotes awareness and acceptance of biological brain disorders, such as ADHD, bipolar disorder, anxiety and depression. Twelve-year-old Betsy Kaplan started the organization because she saw a need […]

Bust the Stigma with Bark 4 Care

Sneezes, coughs and fevers are symptoms most people understand. They signify an illness, and you send chicken soup and well wishes to the sick person. But there are other conditions that aren’t understood or well supported, such as ADHD, anxiety disorder, depression and bipolar disorder. These are biological brain disorders, and chances are, you know […]