New Series ‘The Hungry Book Club’ Brings Awareness to Food and Lifestyle Trends Impacting Mental Health
This new series brings together various authors to shed light on an important topic.
This new series brings together various authors to shed light on an important topic.
This new series brings together various authors to shed light on an important topic.
There are many ways you can connect virtually with friends and family during quarantine, but virtual book clubs are one of our favorites. A great book can provide you with an escape while inspiring a need to reach out and connect, and virtual book clubs are an accessible and flexible way to communicate with other readers. Whether you’re […]
If you looked at my bookshelf, you’d think I could give solid advice on disciplining children, being a better leader and 10 other things. But, the books are only partially read or, more likely, never read. Stacks and stacks. Either I don’t make time to read them or don’t fully buy into their promises. To […]
Whether you set your book-club list for the year in one shot or like to make selections by theme, this collection of ideas is certain to have something for everyone in your group.
Think books are just for relaxation? Think again—thrillers are just the genre for anyone who likes a little excitement between the pages. We’ve got a few recommendations that are sure to get your heart pounding this spring break: Dante’s Wood Lynne Raimondo Seventh Street Books, $11 From one of the North Shore’s own—get in […]
There’s a reason there are things called book clubs, and not things called “reality TV clubs.” Books make you think. Great, different or just controversial ideas are often first shared on paper, and books are a go-to source for anyone looking to broaden their horizons. Here are books with stunning and insightful ideas that will […]
Repeat after me: “This year, I resolve to read at least one book every month.” You can do it—here are 10 suggestions to get you started: 1. A Visit From the Goon Squad (Jennifer Egan) Reading last year’s Pulitzer Prize winner for fiction scores you hipster points, but be warned—friends tell me they’ve either loved […]
So many holiday parties, so little time to shop for them. Fortunately, with a handful of key pieces, you can mix and match to create several looks, taking you from family gatherings to office mixers. Office Cocktail Party Consider a sequined, metallic skirt your holiday fashion workhorse. For fancier affairs, pair it with a top […]
Looking for a little inspirational reading? Try one of these suggestions from The Book Bin: What I Know Now About Success: Letters from Extraordinary Women to Their Younger Selves Edited by Ellyn Spragins Some of the most successful women in the world write about their high hopes and big dreams. See Jane Win for Girls: […]