The Best and Worst Foods for Your Skin

When it comes to beautiful, healthy skin, hair and nails, the old adage “you are what you eat” definitely rings true. Breakouts, inflammation, brittle nails and dull hair can be improved just by making better food choices. Dermatologist Jordan Carqueville of The Skin Care Center in Glenview and Chicago explains, “Foods containing natural antioxidants help reduce […]

Milk-Free Milk: A Guide to Dairy Alternatives

Moo-ve over two percent! The grocery store shelves are stocked with plenty of tasty, dairy-free milk options that cater to all kinds of health and dietary needs. And since more than 60 percent of people in the world have a hard time digesting lactose (the primary sugar found in milk), according to a USA Today […]

Is Dairy Bad For You?

As a mom, I thought I had at least this one nutritional fact down cold. Dairy is great, right? I recently started doing some social media work for the National Dairy Council, talking about the benefits of dairy. I’ve always believed dairy was part of a well-balanced diet. After a recent blog post about my […]

5 Things to Eat Now

Forget depriving yourself. Try a new tactic this year: adding to your diet. Focus on eating the good stuff and there’s less room for the overly refined not-so-good stuff. Here’s a decade-by-decade guide to what you should be eating now. Your 30s Broccoli A great source of both iron and fiber. Beans One cup contains […]