**Telling The Kids You’re Divorcing: Dos & Don’ts 07-06-2011

Sharing bad news is never easy, but telling the kids that you and your spouse are divorcing is a particularly heartbreaking time.   Whether they’ve seen it coming or not, this is a family chat they’re not likely to forget. That’s why it’s so important to get it right. Child psychologists and social workers generally […]

Staying Married for the Money: Can You Still be Happy?

Divorce rates are down, especially among the educated and wealthy. But in some marriages, it’s not love that’s keeping a couple together—it’s money. They hang in there, not because of the stigma of divorce or religious reasons, but because a split is painfully expensive. They don’t want to give up their lifestyle, or they fear […]

5 Tips for Helping Kids Cope with Divorce

Divorce is never easy, but you can help minimize the negative impact it has on your children by following these tips. Help kids visualize their “new” life When you’re ready to tell your children about your impending divorce or separation, help them visualize what their life will be like with parents living in two separate […]

Managing Money and Relationships

It may not be as romantic as a night on the town, but if you really want to divorce-proof your marriage, sit down with your spouse for a talk about finances. Who’s the CFO? Nothing can cause marital strife quite like disagreements about money. In most relationships, one person tends to handle the family finances. […]

Can Relationships Make Us Sick?

My heart was breaking, I couldn’t get through a day without tears and I was an emotional wreck.   That was 5 years ago, when my ex-husband and I were on the verge of divorce. But there were physical symptoms, too. I was nauseous all the time, I was experiencing frequent stomach pain, I had […]

Can You Divorce Without a Fight?

Collaborative law is a way of getting a divorce without going to court. The focus is on finding solutions, not assigning blame—a common occurrence in traditional divorce litigation. The approach is gaining in popularity, according to Carol Patinkin, executive director of The Lilac Tree: Resources for Divorcing Women, an Evanston-based nonprofit serving women throughout the […]