Leadership by Women: The Evanston Women's History Project Traces Roots, From Frances Willard to Lorraine Morton

Mention the names Frances or Lorraine to anyone in Evanston, and there’s a good chance they’ll know immediately whom you’re talking about. That is, famous 19th-century social reformer Frances Willard and former Mayor Lorraine Morton. That’s how prominent women’s leadership is in this community, and it’s a big part of what makes Evanston (and the […]

Evanston Women's History Project Events

Events coming up to celebrate women and women’s organizations in Evanston. “Lifting as We Climb:” Evanston Women and the Creation of a Community Exhibit Opening, Friday March 19, 7:30 pm at the Evanston History Center. Join us as we open our new exhibit highlighting the many contributions of Evanston women and women’s organizations to shaping […]