The Benefits of Regular Massage

Getting a massage isn’t just a way to be pampered—it also provides relief to people of all ages. Massage therapy addresses a variety of health conditions, the most prevalent being stress-related tension. Massage has also proven beneficial in treating sleep disorders, high blood pressure, diabetes, lower back pain, immunity suppression, spinal cord injury, autism, cancer-related […]

Holistic Fertility: Two Local Women Lead a Nationwide Movement

The relentless quest to get pregnant can take its toll on women. Research shows that infertile women have similar rates of depression and anxiety as women with cancer. Hard to believe, right? Not if you’re Tami Quinn of Wilmette and Beth Heller of Chicago. They both struggled to start their families, and because of what they went […]

Don’t Let Your Laptop Fry the Family Jewels

Keeping your guy’s crotch cool while using a laptop may save future generations—literally! While it has been known for a while that heating up the nether regions of a man’s anatomy can impact fertility, not until recently was a study done that actually measured increased heat in the scrotum when using a laptop. In a […]