“Cruel Intentions,” one of the most beloved teen dramas from the ‘90s, recently celebrated its 20th anniversary. The film seduced a generation and starred some of the most crush-worthy actors of the time: Reese Witherspoon, Ryan Phillippe, Sarah Michelle Gellar, and Selma Blair. It was wicked, shocking, and decades later the story about the manipulative world of […]
We’re turning the spotlight on the hottest plays and musicals coming to Chicago and the North Shore this fall. “Sweet Charity“ Sept. 5 to Oct. 28 Inspired by Italian director Federico Fellini’s film “Nights of Cabiria,” this musical with a score by Cy Coleman, lyrics by Dorothy Fields, and book by Neil Simon has become […]
You might think that you have to go downtown to see a big spectacle musical, but thanks to the Marriott Theatre in Lincolnshire, there’s thrilling singing and dancing to be enjoyed right here in the suburbs. Known for its Broadway revivals, the Marriott has mounted “A Chorus Line,” which—at a reasonable two and a half […]