Can 36 Questions Reignite a Relationship?

“Love is the biggest predictor of human happiness,” says psychologist Arthur Aron. “More so than wealth or success. Relationship quality is even a bigger predictor of human health than smoking or obesity.” How do you view your love life? As wedding anniversaries roll around, do you reflect on your marriage—examine how your love has deepened, […]

Can 36 Questions Reignite a Relationship?

“Love is the biggest predictor of human happiness,” says psychologist Arthur Aron. “More so than wealth or success. Relationship quality is even a bigger predictor of human health than smoking or obesity.” How do you view your love life? As wedding anniversaries roll around, do you reflect on your marriage—examine how your love has deepened, […]

Is Chocolate Heart Healthy?

We love a study that says chocolate is good for your health. That’s why we wanted to share this one with you—according to The New York Times, a piece published in the British Medical Journal, by Dr. Oscar H. Franco, says that high levels of chocolate consumption are related to a “significant reduction in the […]

Active Women: Exercise Now to Prevent Problems Later

If they invented a pill that prevented osteoporosis, heart disease, diabetes and dementia as you aged, would you take it? Heck yes. Sign me up. Especially if that pill had a side effect of slimmer hips and a flatter belly. The line to the pharmacy would be out the door. It already exists. It’s called […]