Run for A Safe Haven: Join a Global Virtual Run/Walk To End Homelessness

For nearly three decades, Chicago’s A Safe Haven (ASH) has been offering shelter to those suffering from addiction as they transition into a new and healthier life. A Safe Haven is a multi-award-winning, vertically integrated, social and economic development model that rebuilds the lives of people impacted by poverty, behavioral healthcare, substance abuse, prison reentry, […]

5 Things You Can Do: August 13-16

From a Drive & Drag at Solider Field to getting outside and running for a good cause, here are five things that you can actually do this weekend. Please take care and help our community fight COVID-19 — maintain at least a 6 feet distance from others, wear a mask and wash your hands properly […]

7 Virtual Races You Can Run in Chicago This Summer

In a normal year, the start of warm weather means the start of marathon season. But hundreds—and sometimes thousands—of people packed together on the streets, sweating and breathing on each other is an epidemiological nightmare. So, it’s no surprise that race season in its most familiar form has been cancelled this year. But weep not, […]

3 Fun Themed Races That Give Back This Season

The Chicago Marathon is behind us, but it’s hardly the end of race season. Sign up for one of these (way less intense) themed runs — each of which benefits an incredible charity — and prepare to feel good inside and out. Nov. 10: Hot Cider Hustle 8K Walk or run to raise awareness and […]

How to Burn More Calories During Your Favorite Workouts

It’s no wonder High-Intensity Interval Training, aka “HIIT,” workouts have become so popular. These workouts alternate intense bursts of heart-pumping exercises with short periods of rest, putting them at a calorie-burning advantage. In fact, you can think of HIIT workouts as a “BOGO” in the fitness world: The exercises creates an oxygen deficit that your […]

Run a Marathon With Mickey

When you think of visiting a Disney theme park, you likely equate it with family vacations. But, what if you could experience the “happiest place on earth” in a whole new way? Each year, Walt Disney World and Disneyland host multiple marathons and half marathons where runners set out through one of the parks for […]

Better or Bust: Armpocket Sport i-20

Have you ever seen the T-shirt that reads, “I Hate Running. But I Love The Results”? That’s me. It’s not that I hate running—I actually like it quite a bit. But I would never be able to tough out longer than a mile without my friend Mr. iPhone. For many, music can make the difference […]