How I’m Dealing With Working From Home With Clinical Depression

I’m an ambitious, Type A, alpha Virgo. But what many of my colleagues don’t know is that I have clinical depression and an anxiety disorder. It’s easier to hide in an office setting. You’re busy. You share a workspace with others. You’re face-to-face in meetings. But at home, you can’t hide it. At home, it’s […]

Could Poetry Help Benefit Your Mental Health?

Could a poem a day keep the doctor away? Psychology Today asked the question back in 2011, exploring poetry as an age-old remedy for mental illness. The author cited a study from the National Association for Poetry Therapy, a group that spotlights a second-century Greek physician who promoted personal growth in his clients through the written […]

11 Bay Area Leaders in Youth Mental Health Services

Life can be tough, and for teenagers, it can be even tougher. Teens already deal with a lot of challenges: peer pressure, hormonal changes and even cyber bullying, so if something more serious creeps in, such as depression or substance abuse, things can quickly become overwhelming. Because teenagers are still developing, it can be easy […]

12 Science-Backed Ways to Improve Your Mood Right Now

Your morning commute was atrocious. You got into an argument with your spouse. Your kid threw a temper tantrum of epic proportions. You’re stressed over a project at work. Whatever the reason — or combination of reasons — you’re in a bad mood. Don’t you wish there was a quick way to just snap out […]

11 Best Physical and Mental Health Apps for 2019

Your phone puts an unlimited amount of resources at your fingertips. You can Google anything, navigate a road trip, and even order groceries. But did you know that you can also take charge of your mental and physical health with your phone? Yep, you can connect with a therapist, meditate through a challenging time, monitor […]

11 Best Physical and Mental Health Apps for 2019

Your phone puts an unlimited amount of resources at your fingertips. You can Google anything, navigate a road trip, and even order groceries. But did you know that you can also take charge of your mental and physical health with your phone? Yep, you can connect with a therapist, meditate through a challenging time, monitor […]

Better Makers: UNICEF Luncheon Celebrates Community Commitment to Early Childhood Development, Features Sesame Workshop Speaker

“…there is perhaps no more important window of time than the first 1,000 days of a child’s life,” said Elizabeth McCostlin, managing director for the Midwest region of UNICEF USA, at this year’s Humanitarian Awards celebration. “For 72 years, UNICEF has been there for the world’s children — no matter how remote, no matter how complex, no […]