13 Education Innovators Reimagining Learning Around the World

No one doubts the significant impact of the global pandemic on education. It’s been two and half years of disruption, learning loss, and the recognition of inequity in the classroom. Coupled with a growing mental health crisis among children and a concern about school safety, the state of education may look dire; but there are […]

Philanthropy Award Winner Chicago Fire Foundation Creates Safe Space for Students to Prioritize Academics, Learn Life Skills and Play Soccer

For grade school-aged children, often the best boost to their academic and social performance is the addition of an extracurricular activity to stimulate their brain and body. Sports, for example, not only engage children physically but also encourage them to work on a number of skill sets like communication and perseverance.  The importance and real […]

Op-Ed: Is College Really the Best Path for Your Child?

“My child is going to (insert college of choice): Harvard, University of Illinois, Princeton, MIT, Wisconsin, Notre Dame.” Most parents, especially those fortunate enough to be able to pay for their son or daughter’s education, beam with pride to share that news. But is a path to college the best choice for your child? If […]