13 Easy Ways to Practice Self-Love Every Day

The phrase self-love often gets mixed up as a synonym for pampering. Don’t get us wrong — mani-pedis, sipping on a glass of wine, and setting aside time for a luxurious soak in a bubble bath are all delightful. (And, hey, that vino even lends you some health benefits for everything from your heart to […]

13 Easy Ways to Practice Self-Love Every Day

The phrase self-love often gets mixed up as a synonym for pampering. Don’t get us wrong — mani-pedis, sipping on a glass of wine, and setting aside time for a luxurious soak in a bubble bath are all delightful. (And, hey, that vino even lends you some health benefits for everything from your heart to […]

10 Easy Happiness Boosters That Will Bring You Joy

Updated Jan. 8, 2019 Regularly engaging in stress-reducing mental exercises is like an emotional detox, disrupting habitual negative thought patterns, promoting joy, and enabling the body to thrive. Regardless of your disposition, you can develop more positivity, nudging your emotional state in order to improve your health, by fostering “learned optimism” — a positive psychology […]

Quick and Easy: Combatting Bullying

Children with mood disorders are often the targets of bullying and cyberbullying.   Students who are being bullied, either physically or over the Internet, are at a higher risk for suicide. It affects not only the child being bullied, but their families as well. On Thursday April 19th, The Balanced Mind Foundation will be hosting […]

Better or Bust: TeenSphere App

When teens have a question about eating disorders, drugs or bullying, we’d hope they’d come straight to an adult they trust (like their mothers!) for reliable information. But as Suzanne R. Harman, a psychotherapist in private practice who specializes in adolescents and a creator of TeenSphere, notes, “Adolescents are notoriously private about feelings and hesitate […]